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    膩子粉怎么用 步驟

    來源:http://www.m-lrc.com 日期:2024-12-24 發布人:

    1. 準備工作
    • 清潔墻面:使用鋼絲刷或掃帚清除墻面上的灰塵、沙子等雜物,并擦拭干凈。
    • 檢查墻面:確保墻面堅實、干凈、大致平整、無明水。對于新抹灰的水泥墻,應在養護期后再進行施工。
    • Preparations
    • Clean the walls: Use a wire brush or broom to remove dust, sand and other debris from the walls and wipe them clean.
    • Check the walls: Make sure the walls are solid, clean, generally flat and clear of water. For newly plastered cement walls, construction should be completed after the maintenance period.
    2. 調配膩子粉
    • 比例調配:根據產品說明書或經驗選擇合適的膩子粉,并按照說明調和成適合使用的漿料。一般比例為膩子粉:水=1:0.5。
    • 攪拌:將水倒入容器中,慢慢倒入膩子粉,同時不斷攪拌,直至膩子粉與水充分混合,形成均勻的膏狀。攪拌后靜置10~20分鐘,再次攪拌均勻。
    • 2. Mixing the grease flour
    • Proportioning: Choose the suitable grease according to the product explaination or experience and adjust it to the instructions to form a suitable paste for use.The general ratio is naphtha: water = 1: 0.5.
    • Stir: Pour water into a container and slowly pour in the grease, stirring constantly until the grease and water are fully mixed to form a uniform paste. Stir and set aside for 10 to 20 minutes. Stir well again.
    3. 批刮膩子
    • 使用工具:使用鋼刮板或抹刀按常規批刮膩子,刮涂次數不宜過多,通常批刮兩次即可。第二次涂層應在前涂層完全干透后再進行施工。
    • 控制厚度:每次刮膩子不宜過厚,一般控制在0.8~1.5mm之間,用量約為1~1.5kg/㎡。過厚的膩子層容易導致干燥不均勻,增加開裂的風險。9ab2ea13-cabe-4edb-aed5-5728e6098dcd
    • 3. Rinse the dirt in a bat.
    • Use Tools: Use a steel shaving board or a rag to scratch the grease in a routine batch. Do not apply too much. Usually a batch scratches twice. The second coating should be constructed after the previous coating has dried completely.
    • Control thickness: each putty should not be too thick, generally controlled between 0.8 ~ 1.5mm, the amount of about 1 ~ 1.5kg / m2. An excessively thick layer of grease tends to cause dryness to be uneven, increasing the risk of cracking.
    4. 打磨
    • 膩子干透:膩子干透后,使用砂紙進行打磨,以去除表面的毛刺和不平整部分。
    • 注意力度:打磨時要注意力度均勻,避免破壞膩子層。
    • 4. polish
    • The grease dries out: After the grease dried out, use sandpaper to grind to remove the bristles and uneven portions of the surface.
    • Pay attention to strength: When grinding, pay attention to a uniform strength to avoid damaging the grout layer.
    5. 注意事項
    • 施工溫度與濕度:內墻膩子的施工溫度應在0℃以上,避免在低溫環境下施工導致膩子層無法充分干燥。膩子粉成膏狀后,最好在4~5小時內使用完畢,避免時間過長導致膩子變質。
    • 保存與運輸:膩子粉在保存時應注意防水防潮,存放在陰涼干燥處,避免陽光直射和雨淋。不同品牌、不同型號的膩子粉不能混合使用,以免發生化學反應和色差。
    • 質量檢查:在施工過程中,要定期檢查膩子層的施工質量,如發現有起泡、開裂、脫落等現象,應及時處理。膩子粉的質量也是影響施工效果的重要因素,應選擇粘結力強、延伸彈性好、耐水性強的優質膩子粉。
    • Note
    • Construction temperature and humidity: The construction temperature of inner wall grease should be above 0 ° C, to avoid construction in a low temperature environment which causes the grease layer to not dry adequately.After the grease powder has formed into a paste, it is best to use it within 4 to 5 hours to avoid excessive time causing the grease to deteriorate.
    • Preservation and transportation: Gypsum should be kept waterproof and resistant to moisture when stored, stored in a cool, dry place, avoid direct sunlight and rain. Different brands and different models of grease cannot be mixed to avoid chemical reactions and color differences.
    • Quality inspection: During the construction process, the construction quality of the greased layer should be regularly inspected, and if bubbles, cracks, and peelings are found, they should be treated promptly. The quality of the dye powder is also an important factor affecting the construction effect, and high-quality dye Powder with strong bonding strength, good elongation and water resistance should be chosen.
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